For as long as I can remember, I have not missed mass during Lent. It has always been a great moment of reflection and guidance for me, during the preparation for Easter.
And if there was ever a time to reflect, and have guidance, it is now. The world is suffering as a unit. My prayers are for all the countries of our world. Those that are not in as good condition as Canada right now, those that have been hit hard, like Italy. I have friends and family there and I am connecting with them often. I am praying for all the caregivers, the health care workers as they continue to work with the public. Given the circumstances of not being able to congregate due to the potential spread of the coronavirus, I, and many others might be looking for a way to hear the word of God on Sunday, while we are at home. But just because our churches are bare, does not mean we cannot celebrate mass.
Our church offered a couple of suggested sites to watch. In Canada, there is a daily mass offered in English from this site:
If you are curious about the Papal mass, it is recorded as well (actually, it is live streamed and saved) and you can watch it here:
The major content of the mass is translated so it can be followed in English.
And if your want to follow along, the reading for the third week of Lent are:
Sunday, March 15: Exodus 17.3-7 Psalm 95.1-2,6-7ab,7c-9 Romans 5.1-2,5-8 John 4.5-42
And for the fourth week of Lent:
Sunday, March 22: 1 Samuel 16.1b,6-7,10-13 Psalm 23.1-3a, 3b-4,5,6 Ephesians 5.8-14 John 9.1-41
It my not be the first thing on your mind, but if it is something you were missing, I wanted to share. It is a great tool for families as well, and a conversation starter, since we are at home together.
* NOTE: These pictures above is of a church in Monterosso, Italy. This church was near destroyed by landslides in 2011. What stayed in tact was the cross from the alter. The people of Monterosso rebuilt their city and this church. A wonderful example of Italy’s resilience and strength.