Learning Skills for the Future with Inventor STEM School

True confession: I wanted to be an orthodontist for a larger part of my grade school and high school years. I knew I was fascinated with the biology of teeth and every time I went to the dentist or orthodontist for my braces, I studied the posters on the walls, and asked as many questions as I could. But once I was in my senior high school years in the science-based program, something just didn’t click. I couldn’t raise my grades, no matter how much I studied. My friends would help me, I had a tutor, I tried to memorize things…nothing “stuck”.

There was also a small feeling of not being enough if I should become a writer or an artist. It wasn’t my parents’ fault. They didn’t force me necessarily, but they wanted me to be “safe” in my choice. Well, we all soon found out that “safe” was not an option since I couldn’t get good grades in CEGEP science classes, and it forced me to change program. In my case, I believe it was a blessing, because I could not me happier with my career path as twisted as it was to start off. But that is certainly not the case for everyone. So, what do you do if the subject your child is interested in is difficult for them to understand?

A little while ago, I spoke to you about the importance of STEM education and how it can benefit children at a young age. STEM learning is, I believe, essential for children to collect their passions with understanding of subjects (science, technology, engineering and math) in a more unified way. When I was in elementary and high school, STEM wasn’t a thing. Perhaps if it had been, I would have at least understood the subjects in a more cohesive way. That alone is a true gift for children that might not understand a subject on its own.

The Skills for Tomorrow, Today

If you had to find a new job today in your field (either from a previous job or based on your university degree), do you think you would feel ready to take on the 2021 version of it, tech and all? In a recent article by the World Economic Forum, a list was created on the skills that people should focus on today for their careers in the future. In that article, it was stated that 50% of employees today would need reskilling by 2025. That is huge!

In a list they created on top ten skills of 2025, the majority of those skills are STEM related. Some examples are:

  • Complex problem solving
  • Technology use, monitoring and control
  • Technology design and programming
  • Active learning and learning strategies
  • Reasoning, problem-solving  and ideation

To read the full article with the full list, click here.

Of course, a school education will help children and young adults in these skills. But as I mentioned in my previous post, traditional schooling teaches each subject exclusively. What STEM education does is offers students the chance to see the connection between the subjects to better understand them. But can younger children really be gearing up their skills by playing with LEGO or Minecraft? Yes! The very skills mentioned in this World Economic Forum article and the skills learned through STEM education. And as we all know, when education is introduced with fun tools like LEGO and Minecraft, learning becomes play. That’s why I am happy to let you know about Inventor STEM School’s after-school programs for this new school year.

After-school Registration Open Now!

  • The Inventor STEM School is offering programs for children ranging in age from 3-16 years old.
  • The programs are divided into three different levels, for the different age groups, and further divided into different themes.
  • Programs range from 45-120 minutes (depending on the age level).
  • Groups meet once a week.
  • Parents can choose to sing up their children for a STEM module (4 lessons), a STEM semester, or a STEM year.
  • Prices also range from $25-65 per lesson.
  • There is a sibling discount of 20% and 10% off multiple programs.

Because it is important to me, I wanted to share that the school has solid guidelines in place to help prevent any spread of COVID-19. With things constantly changing, it is very nice to know the school is ready and on top of all health and safety measures for the staff and children.

Their Future Begins Now

My three boys are not at that level yet to think about their career paths, but it comes up now and again in conversation. My husband and I have always said to them, whatever path they choose in life, it must be from their passion of the subject. Gone are the days of parents insisting to have a lawyer or a doctor in the family (at least I hope). What is much more important is to try new things early in life to see where a passion grows. Nurturing their desires and interests with helpful tools are what we want to do always. Giving children tools to recognize their true potential will help them immensely for their future, whatever it may be.

To learn more about the after-school programs offered at Inventor STEM School, visit their website. Registration is open now and will fill up quickly.

And don’t forget, if you mention my code (Inventor_askmamamoe), you will receive $50 off your registration.

You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

Disclosure: I was compensated to facilitate this post. All opinions are honest and my own.

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