I am so thrilled to finally share this incredible partnership I have had with Hamilton Beach Canada. If you are a long-time reader, you know my love from Hamilton Beach runs deep. I have been collaborating with this amazing brand for years. I have always appreciated the quality of their products, the openness of the brand and all the wonderful people I have had the pleasure to meet and discuss ideas with over my favourite hobbies; cooking and baking for my family!
As a reader, you may have seen me share my experiences attending Hamilton Beach events over the years. When the pandemic struck, in-person events came to a screeching halt in all businesses, and for very good reason. So as expected, Hamilton Beach did not have in-person events for the health and safety of everyone.
Remember how I said the people that work at and with Hamilton Beach are incredible? Well here is a prime example of that. This year, to be on the safe side, Hamilton Beach once again decided not to have in-person events and instead created something new and fabulous – a virtual event!
The Hamilton Beach Virtual Media Event
You might be thinking, ok virtual events are our new normal, what is the big deal? The big deal was, they made this virtual event across the country and the experience was like no other I have had with a brand. When they reached out to me to participate as one of the five experts for the event, I was so honoured. My role in the virtual experience was to represent Quebec and talk about a recipe I love and that is special to my hometown and my family. The other experts were Paul Bannock, Fareen of Food Mama , Miranda Malisani and Janine of Along With The Youngs .

Hosts (L-R) Noelle Martin and Louise Sauve-Nicholls and all of us in the background virtually.
After some great discussions, the recipe that seemed to stand out was the Orange Julep Copycat Drink. If you have ever visited Montreal, you know that there is a 60ft tall giant orange in the downtown area. The Orange Julep is the home of a delicious drink, classic burgers, and fries that our city flocks to. I have fond childhood memories visiting the Orange Julep. Whenever my family and I were ever in the downtown area for a special event, we would pass by and get a gallon of their orange drink to bring home and enjoy. And it never lasted too long in the house! As parents, my husband and I have brought our boys there too and they love the drink.
Since the pandemic struck, we haven’t gone out to eat as a family. As time passed, I was looking into making some of my boys’ favourite treats at home, so I tried recreating the Orange Julep drink. I found a few variations of it online, but I tested them and tweaked it a few times before I got it just right for our taste buds. Hamilton Beach Canada provided me with the Professional Juicer Mixer Grinder to make this drink. Friends, this is the blender of my dreams. It can do so much, and the strength of the blender is what makes it so great – with a powerful commercial grade 1400 watt motor, it is the perfect appliance for so many different creations. I’ve used this Hamilton Beach appliance to make a delicious buttery-smooth sauce from roasted tomatoes from our garden, and I’ve also made cashew milk without having to strain the pulp at all!
Here is the video I prepared for the virtual event:
At-Home Orange Drink Recipe
Without further ado, here is the recipe for our Orange Julep Copycat Drink. Keep in mind, the amount for each ingredient is to taste, and depending on your sweetness level in drinks, you might want to add more or less honey to the drink.
4-5 cups of milk (or milk substitute)
6-8 oranges
¼ cup honey
First, peel your oranges to prep them for the blender
Next, add all your ingredients and blend to your desired texture level. We prefer to have a bit of pulp, so we kept our mix to a medium level blend. If you are making the recipe exactly like in my video, you will see I filled the large blender with milk and ice, based on eight oranges. This mix made enough for my whole family (5 cups plus a bit extra).
And that’s it!
The combination of ingredients gives a frothy mix and that is really what the Orange Julep drink is known for. After mixing this drink a few times, we have tried variations (with and without the milk, more honey, a dash of vanilla, etc.) If I’m being honest, I know that the original from downtown Montreal is a sweeter taste, but we like this version too.
It’s a great, delicious and nutritious afterschool drink for your children. I hope you give it a go and let me know how your family likes it!
A gigantic thank you to Hamilton Beach Canada for providing me with the incredible Juicer Mixer Grinder and partnering with me in their virtual trip across Canada. This experience was so much fun, and it was a pleasure to work with them and e-meet other foodies across the country.
To find out more about the Hamilton Beach Professional Juicer Mixer Grinder, click here to see all its features. If you are searching for a powerful blender, this is it. I absolutely love it. We’re making nut milk more and more now, and this blender makes it so easy.