Do you have a Christmas album collection? Nowadays, listening to Christmas music is easy. There are so many choices of streaming radio stations or using apps like Songza with playlists all set for you. There’s even a radio station in Montreal that plays Christmas music around the clock from mid…
Tomorrow I will be waking up earlier than my family to chat with Mike Finnerty on CBC Daybreak Montreal. The topic I was asked to discuss is tech for kids. When I brought it up to friends and readers on Facebook and Twitter, a lot of you had strong opinions…
When I was living in Italy, one of the most beautiful items I used to ogle over was paper. Sounds a little strange? Well, not really if you consider the history of Florentine stationery. Beautifully crafted patterns were available on notebooks and journals, as well as other office accessories, and…
Remember that crazy amazing giveaway I had going on about winning one of two Roku 3 streaming devices? Well, you all were incredible in your participation for crowing the ultimate holiday movie. I got some great suggestions. Some were already deemed favourites in our home, while a couple I hadn’t…
I was one of the people begging others not to post anything to do with the holidays so early. Yet, here I am doing that very thing. But I swear, I have a REALLY good reason. I was contacted by Staples Canada to participate in a holiday campaign and I…
Today, I’m rounding up some fantastic Halloween Family Crafts to help get you in the Halloween spirit! October 31st is just not about the candy… it’s about how you enjoy the festivities! Halloween is in just a few days and my kids are jumping off the walls already, and it…
Disney’s Princesses and Heroes are Coming to Montreal! Ok mamas, mark the calendar for something over-the-top special this fall. Disney On Ice is coming with their princesses and heroes for a wonderful show at the Montreal Bell Center from October 8th-13th. I have been offered a magical giveaway for four…
Time to raise some bookworms! These are my favourite books for young children. In an effort to close summer and start the next school year on the right track, here are some sweet books you can find at your local bookshop or library. Benefits of Reading to Children Kicking off…
In an effort to honor our “sand bucket list” of activities we have done this summer, I am sending out pictures here and on social media with a #savingsummer hashtag. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram with your ways of #savingsummmer so we can do it together!
In an effort to save summer, I am honoring the things we’ve done so far, as well as looking forward to a few other things on our “sand bucket list”. We’re going back to the International Hot Air Balloon Festival this week and we can’t wait! If you are anywhere…