I still remember the day. Anyone who was old enough to watch the news remembers. But instead of going into the details of what I experienced that day (absolutely nothing compared to many) I wanted to show you a few pictures of my visit to the beautiful memorial at Ground Zero in New York City.
Before it was created, there was so much back and forth on when and how to make it, or if it should be made at all. I was one of the people that couldn’t understand why they wanted to make a memorial ‘so soon’.
I was wrong.
Experiencing the walk from somewhere else in the city into the center of where the twin towers stood is surreal. It gets quiet. Yes, quiet. New York City has a place of silence.
The only thing you can hear is the movement of water. So much water is falling and coming up again. It is strong and powerful and all encompassing.
These pictures were taken two years ago when I traveled to New York with friends. This year we went with the children and partly due to timing, but partly due to feelings, we didn’t bring them to see the memorial. They are young and I wanted them to first experience NYC without the sad feelings we all know now.
But, I couldn’t remove them from this history. Someone mentioned it, and the boys asked questions. “Why did they want to do that? Were people inside the building? Why? Why? Why?” So many why’s…
I didn’t have an answer I felt that great about, because truthfully, I have no answer. There is nothing on this earth that can explain to me that day and that hateful action.
When the children are older, we will go back and I will show them the memorial. I know they will appreciate it as much as I did. I have family in New Jersey, but I didn’t lose anyone I knew that day. But I have lost. And when we went back this year and we were in the hustle and bustle of the city, my husband and I took a moment, looked at each other…and we remembered.
To all those that lost someone on 9/11, my prayers are with you on this day and always.