It’s here, mamas. There’s no turning back now. Back. To. School. Whether you had an early start or a late one, we’re all in it now, and the routine of scheduled days is upon us. How’s it going for you so far? Did you fill out all your slips? Sign…
Mama Moe
I can’t stop listening to this song. I bought the album. I haven’t bought an album for years. This is an album to buy. I’ve always liked Sara Bareilles’ voice and music, but this one hit me. For all the teens dealing with back-to-school, for all the adults dealing with…
Top 10 Reasons to Visit the Shrine Circus This Weekend: The excitement your children will have as they see the big top when you drive up. Getting popcorn or cotton candy or BOTH! Being part of the Zerbini family Circus’ 250th Anniversary Celebration. The largest tiger act in the world…
As a first post after a very challenging time in our little family’s life, I couldn’t be happier to write about a great company and fun launch. Kinder has teamed up with Monsters University to introduce for the first time (ever!) 100% licensed toys in their Kinder eggs.
It’s a strange thing, being a mama.
While you become more emotional at certain things in relation to family and children, you also grow a thicker skin. Priorities are adjusted, perspectives are changed. There is a sense of wisdom, as well as a sense of complete confusion that takes place every day. As a mama, you learn to laugh things off, gain more patience than you ever thought possible, and have a sense of pride that far exceeds anything you have ever taken part in. Your children are your treasures. -
Today is a special day for me.
It’s also a special day for my mama, and my kids and the people who are close to me.
Today I celebrate my mama.
Grandma MOE was in the hospital 36 years ago today giving birth to her first child.
I can’t be sure of the feelings she had then, but I can imagine them clearer now that I am a mama.
I celebrate her for having the love and strength and courage to bring me into this world. -
Did you find the perfect gift for your mama this Mother’s Day?
In my opinion, mamas are not hard to buy for. It’s not like we don’t give hints and clues. At least I do; I am not subtle when it comes to what I like. Since my children are small, it’s nice to give them big clues. And boy do they feel special when they find something mama mentioned! (It also helps out Papa MOE too!) -
Where is your spark?
Does it come from reading a classic novel? Does it come from seeing a new movie or a unique piece of art? Does it come from an act of kindness that you see in your passing day? What is it that sets something off deep down inside you and makes your eyes widen with excitement?