For The Newbie

As many new bloggers know, trying to get yourself in the right direction while you’re surfing on the Internet can be…challenging to say the least. First, because it’s overwhelming beyond measure. You are going to write a post. Well, you need a subject, and perhaps you have one. But just to be sure you cover all important aspects of the subject, you take a quick moment to research online and see what others are saying about said topic. And then you start stumbling onto other interesting blogs, other interesting subjects, tweet about the subject that starts other conversations, and maybe even stumble on other interesting products and services. And before you know it, you are tired from doing…well from not working. Are you working? Research is work, right? But being productive is hard when so much is thrown at you at every new link.

That’s how I started to feel. Aside from the fact that I do not have a lot of time on my hands with my little ones, my time (as is all of ours) is precious, and I felt I was wasting it instead of utilizing my time by writing great posts of all that I want to share with my readers.

Then something great happened. I came across (through my research) She’s Connected. It’s a great website to connect women entrepreneurs, bloggers, and moms. Generally speaking, most of us are all of those things, so there are two great places on the site to write yourself up either as a professional, or on a personal level. Making yourself two different profiles allows you to connect to women at different places in their lives. I loved it. I had found a great outlet with great women to connect with.

So along with finding the site, I also found a very important conference. The She’s Connected Conference seemed like the perfect place for me to learn more about blogging and networking. And since Toronto was close by, I wasn’t too concerned about leaving my little ones for a couple of days (although this would be the first time I would leave them since they were born!).

But here is the catch, this conference is opened exclusively to invited bloggers. So I figured, I’ll apply and see what happens. And to my very happy surprise, I was invited!!

So to all my friends, new bloggers, and mamas thinking of blogging in the future, I will be attending the conference with you in mind. My goal is to learn all about the more efficient way to blog and make my blog a successful outlet as well as a successful business.

Link to the conference is found in the badge on the right. I will be tweeting throughout the two day conference with tips and interesting tidbits, so be sure to connect with me then if you want to ask questions. And when I return, be prepared for more great things by Mama MOE! I will do a review of the conference as well as apply all that I have learned.

I am truly thankful to have been invited to the conference and I look forward to learning a lot as well as meeting some of my fellow bloggers IRL.

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