To My Preemies

Today I held you both a little longer than I normally do.

You might not have noticed in today’s excitement

with sticky snow waiting for you outside

and winter in the air.

You were so anxious to get outside and play!

As I gave you a hug, each separately and then together,

I was remembering.

Every time I see pictures of when you were born,

I say a prayer of thanks for the strong little people you both are today.

You came into the world with a whirlwind of people ready to care for you.

You both had your own team of nurses.

As I sat on the medical table, I could hear everyone…it was loud and scary.

It was not the party I expected for your arrivals!

But it was a party just the same, with cheers and tears

And much, much love.

You are two healthy, happy boys taking on the world.

With each milestone, you amaze me.

I can’t believe how far you have come.

You started not knowing how to breath or swallow…

your bodies were not ready.

I think back to the feeding tubes and heart monitors…

I will never forget.

Your strength as preemies reminds me each day how strong we can all be

when faced with such difficulties.

Your arrival taught me so much.

Thank you.


To all the mamas of preemies, I am thinking of you today, whatever stage of the journey you are on. With much love and strength, Mama MOE


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