Can parenting exist without social media? It did once, and I was part of it.
You would be hard-pressed to find anyone in our culture today that does not use social media. We may all use social media differently, some more than others, but we adults all use it. Maybe you are the type of person that only checks out Facebook once and while to see what’s going on in your area. Or maybe you jump on TikTok to watch funny videos to pass some time in between errands. Maybe you are even a person that enjoys making videos. The point is social media has been weaved into our lives and it would be very hard to take it out now. Do you think you could do it?
Friends, not too long ago, we were blissfully unaware of what everyone was having for dinner, or everyone’s outfit of the day…We didn’t know if someone took a vacation to some beautiful destination unless they told us…it was different.
I am happy that I had my first 25 or so years without social media. I know, I know, so hard to believe, but it did exist – life without social media. I have been thinking a lot about how this era must affect parenting, motherhood and the pressures of being a certain way.
I wrote a piece about this for Birthing Magazine, and I would love you to read it and let me know what is the biggest takeaway you have with social media and motherhood?
Thank you to Birthing Magazine for publishing this piece. You can subscribe to Birthing Magazine to receive a hard copy or e-copy. I highly recommend it!! Visit .
Motherhood Without Social Media
To read the full article, please click on this link below. You will be taken to a pdf version of the piece published in Birthing Magazine.