

  • I am a fan of the 80s. There, I said it. I can’t be sure why, except for the fact that it was bright and happy and bouncy, and for a kid, it was a great era to live in. So when I found out ShesConnected was having a 80s theme party during the conference weekend, I was excited!

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  • On my blog I write to you about “all things mama”. But as a freelance writer, I used to write so much about other people, other businesses, other companies. They didn’t always necessarily touch my heart. Starting this blog was the complete opposite of that. I write what is important to me the most: being a mama.

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  • It’s no secret in our home that Papa MOE is the worst eater in the bunch. Friends and family have poked fun at it for years, and I have tried with him, like a Mama tries with her children, to get him to eat better. It’s not that he eats terrible food. Whatever I’m making is what’s for dinner, so the main meal is healthy. But Papa MOE…just can’t get himself to eat vegetables.
    I’m not joking.

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  • Here’s a quick little craft to do with kids to get them excited for Easter Sunday. At my little one’s preschool they had a parade today and it was adorable! And while Easter bonnets are perfect for little girls, I wanted something less flowery for my son. Here’s what we came up with.

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  • You have probably heard it a million times as a mama, but sometimes it gets away from you. Especially if you have more than one child, it’s hard to always “write it down.” all the funny anecdotes, all the milestones. I have heard it before, how a mama almost finished the baby book for the first child, then maybe got halfway through for the second, and the third was lucky to even get a book, let alone anything in it.

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  • Have you got seasonal children’s books you take out during the year?

    I’ve found some beautiful books that I like being able to re-read to my children for each allotted holiday.

    Valentine’s Day is no exception. To date, these are the Valentine’s books I have for my children that we refer to each year.

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