There are many things out of our control right now in this very strange time we are living. We have been informed that staying home will help us all, and so that is what we are doing. (STAY HOME!) And while this is a great act of service in and…
As I watch online at all the families in North America dealing with self isolation, I see that very few have been having frequent sunny days nor do they have big backyards to enjoy fresh air. In fact, some parts of Canada are still receiving snow. And when it rains,…
Celebrating Easter at home may be the new normal for now… but that doesn’t make the holiday any less special. Here’s how to make the most of it from the comfort of your humble abode! This Easter Sunday will not include going to Sunday mass. It also won’t include family…
Whenever my boys are feeling a little under the weather, I turn to my mother’s chicken soup recipe. It is a tried and true comfort food that helps boast our immune system, our hydration and digestion, because it is packed with good ingredients. After my mother passed away, I wasn’t…
Here it is. The post I waited to write. I listened, I watched, I read. There was no shortage of opinions in the form of blog posts, vlogs, and social media messages. For years, I have only read the bare minimum of the news to stay up to date, because…
For as long as I can remember, I have not missed mass during Lent. It has always been a great moment of reflection and guidance for me, during the preparation for Easter. And if there was ever a time to reflect, and have guidance, it is now. The world is…