At our house, there is no shortage of stuffed animals. My little ones refer to them as “stuffies”. Sometimes, I wish I could hide them all because they just take over the home! But alas, I remember being a little one too.
Mama Moe
There are very few times that I voluntarily want to turn on my oven in the dead of summer. We eat cold meals often, eat outside in the shade, and rarely have big hot meals. But there is one thing that we always eat, in the winter or the summer. Pizza!
Have you taken a ride? It’s a great way to see Old Montreal!
Think you can leave a child in this small pool? You are wrong.
It takes a second.
Are the the go-to mom when some child in the park needs a napkin or a Band-Aid?
Or are you the mom who is desperately asking someone else for help? -
On my blog I write to you about “all things mama”. But as a freelance writer, I used to write so much about other people, other businesses, other companies. They didn’t always necessarily touch my heart. Starting this blog was the complete opposite of that. I write what is important to me the most: being a mama.
Friends, I cannot tell you how excited I am to participate in this great event again this year! I was so excited last year to post about The SugarShacks of Quebec since it is such a great Canadian heritage piece.
My husband and I approach the gate and smile as we take in the site of the blue and yellow big top. We are about to see the new performance, Amaluna, by Cirque du Soleil. I was invited to attend as a blogger so I meet and greet the press team and then I am given my tickets for the show.
As a mom of three who loves reading and who sells children’s books, there are a lot of books that come my way on a daily basis for review or comments. Some are not in relation to my blog or my children, and some, quite frankly just don’t fit the bill. I take book reviews seriously when it comes to dishing out money for a book for your children’s education or for your 2-3 minutes of time alone in between taking care of your family and the day to day mama chores.