When you think of back-to-school shopping, what do you think of? Spending a lot? Being frugal? I bet you would never think of making money, right? Well with RBC’s Rewards program, that is essentially what you get. I’m a bit of a cynic when it comes to points cards.…
Do you remember those cute birthday cards that you got from your aunts and uncles or grandparents that had coins attached to the inside of them? Some even had slots for coins, I remember getting one with an image of an apple tree and each apple was a coin. Well,…
That phrase will no longer be something our children will understand here in Canada. Already an old expression, we will no longer have the chance of using it and making any sense to children of this generation. Today is the official final day of penny production in Canada.
I am thrilled to have the opportunity to write about something so important: money! Surprised? It’s not necessarily something people like to talk about, but it is very important to discuss it with your children. I’m sure some of you are thinking, ‘well, not when they are so young’. And to that response I have to disagree.