I am sure that some of you have noticed this amazing top right button marking me as a Toshiba Brand Ambassador. Well, I hadn’t written anything about it yet because I didn’t want to jinx it! You see, a while back, after I attended the Shes Connected Conference in Toronto, I applied for this great opportunity.
Mama Moe
I don’t know about you, but I feel like this year moves in warp speed leading up to Christmas Day. It seems that I blinked and suddenly it became December! Now I already see people starting to scramble. Scramble for time, shopping lists, parties and events. It’s getting crazy! So, in an effort to make your shopping decisions easier, I have been working on my first Christmas Gift Guide!
As most of you may be aware, I have reached a big milestone recently: I now have over 1000 followers on Twitter! I am so thrilled about this milestone and even more thrilled that I am able to offer you, my fabulous blog readers and tweeps, a great giveaway!
The first real snow fall of the season – my children were over the moon with excitement! And so was I!
Today I want to address something that I never have on my blog, but that many mamas have had to face. I have much to say about this topic so more posts will be coming soon, but first I want to acknowledge the issue. Since today is World Premature Day, I thought it was important to acknowledge a very real truth: premature births are hard. There, I said it. I never have, but it is very true.
We were all disappointed to see one of our biggest trees get chopped down.
So here I am, coming to the close of one year of blogging.
My first post was brief and shy, (To The Future) who knew this blog would blossom into THIS?! -
Canada in the fall.
It’s a beautiful thing.The initial rush of getting back in order for a new school year has slightly subsided for most families and now the groove has set in. And before the fall season changes (ever so drastically) to winter (bite my tongue), I encourage everyone to get your families out for some fall fun.
The last two weeks have flown by. Between attending my first blogging/networking conference, getting over a tremendous cold and having Thanksgiving at our house for the first time, things have been a little nuts. And through it all, my mind has been racing with fresh blog posts and future projects.
As many new bloggers know, trying to get yourself in the right direction while you’re surfing on the Internet can be…challenging to say the least.