While I am not thrilled to think that the holiday season will soon be upon us, I am thrilled to find fabulous new products, toys and services. So when Melissa & Doug contacted me with their Terrific Twenty List and Giveaway, I knew it was something I had to share with you!
I don’t know about you, but I find it really easy to feed my children well. However, when it comes to me, I am getting stinking lousy at it! With the change in season, and the rush of school activities and holidays ahead, it would make perfect sense to eat well for my own health. But here I am, a little under the weather and I should have practiced what I always preach.
I wanted to mention to my local readers that if you want to extend the life of Halloween for your little ones, head over the Upper Canada Village. We took our children to see Punpkinferno and it was amazing!
Are you a fan of Pinterest?
If you haven’t checked it out yet, I can tell you, I just love it! I actually visit Pinterest more than any other site now. In fact, I even use it as a search engine.
There is a great new Canadian original series for preschoolers on Disney Junior called Justin Time!
My children and I were given the opportunity to see the show before its premiere and oh boy, was it a hit! As you may recall from previous posts, my children watch very mild shows for their age and we like to find things with an educational aspect.
At our house, there is no shortage of stuffed animals. My little ones refer to them as “stuffies”. Sometimes, I wish I could hide them all because they just take over the home! But alas, I remember being a little one too.
Think you can leave a child in this small pool? You are wrong.
It takes a second.
My husband and I approach the gate and smile as we take in the site of the blue and yellow big top. We are about to see the new performance, Amaluna, by Cirque du Soleil. I was invited to attend as a blogger so I meet and greet the press team and then I am given my tickets for the show.
As a mom of three who loves reading and who sells children’s books, there are a lot of books that come my way on a daily basis for review or comments. Some are not in relation to my blog or my children, and some, quite frankly just don’t fit the bill. I take book reviews seriously when it comes to dishing out money for a book for your children’s education or for your 2-3 minutes of time alone in between taking care of your family and the day to day mama chores.
I don’t know about you, but this time of year feels like everything is passing at warp speed! Even with my tips I still feel that there are not enough hours in the day.